Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Sorry to shout- but it appears many people have some sort of hearing damage and it isn't just old people.  We live in a noisy world and the use of personal listening devices among other things, is causing us to lose our hearing at an earlier age.  Noise-induced hearing loss happens in a variety of ways. It can be sudden and instantaneous, such as when you are exposed to an extremely loud burst of sound—an explosion or an air horn, for example. Or in the case of my son-in-law, a bomb going off next to your head. Hearing loss can also happen gradually from working on a loud construction site.

In honor of Save Your Hearing Day (does Hallmark have a card for that?) which is today, here are a few tips:
Cranking up the volume on your ipod or other device can lead to long term hearing damage.  So what’s the maximum volume of your iPod when using Apple’s stock earbuds? A little over 100 decibles,  well into the  zone where you could cause damage. In fact, at such sound levels, you can damage your hearing in a matter of minutes. Simply put, if you frequently listen to your iPod—or any music player—at loud volumes, you’re likely to damage your hearing. Studies also show that as your heart rate increases, so does the sensitivity in your ears so you should turn the volume DOWN as you heat UP.
  • If you work in an at-risk occupation, check with your employer to make sure you have adequately protected your hearing according to OSHA regulations.
  • Limit exposure time to noisy activities.
  • Wear hearing protection, such as foam or silicone plugs or muffs. Foam plugs are available at your pharmacy while muffs and specialized ear protection can be purchased at sporting good stores or safety equipment stores.
  • At home, turn down the volume on the television, radio, and stereos
  • Wear ear plugs or muffs when using loud equipment (i.e. lawn mowers, power saw, leaf blower).
  • Buy quieter products (compare dB ratings – the smaller the better).
  • Reduce the number of noisy appliances running at the same time in your personal environment.
  • Avoid medications that can be dangerous to your hearing. Be sure to ask your physician about possible effects on your hearing.
An Ounce of Prevention
Be alert to hazardous noise. Since prevention is so critical, make sure that your family (especially children), friends, and colleagues are aware of the hazards of noise. Remember: One-third of hearing loss is preventable with proper hearing protection.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer Is Here?

Memorial Day is the official kick-off to summer but I'm still waiting for spring and I'm still a little nervous that it could still snow!  Let's hope the weather warms up and we can enjoy some time outside.  Here's a few tips to help you have a Healthy Summer:

1- Get outside and Exercise!  Walking, runnin , bike riding, rollerblading, jump roping, frisbee throwing, tag playing, swimming, etc.  There are plenty of parks and trails or even your own yard and neighborhood.  One caution- the air quality in NE Wisconsin can be trouble for those with breathing issues, this is a great site to check before venturning outside http://www.airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.local_city&cityid=198

2- Protect your Eyes.  When outdoors, wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of ultraviolet A and B rays. Sunglasses can help prevent cataracts, as well as wrinkles around the eyes, so don't cheap out, buy a good polarized pair. When playing sports or doing tasks such as mowing the lawn, wear protective eyewear. Ask your eye doctor about the best type; some are sport-specific. I have an eye appoointment on Tuesday and am going to ask about computer glasses.  Watch for this in a future blog.

3- Hit the Farmers Markets!  I'm not sure that the farmers will have a good crop with this rotten spring, but I can't wait to get out there and buy some fresh fruits and vegetables.  Summer is a great time for low calorie, low fat, high nutrition foods like watermelon, berries of all kinds, corn, melons, asparaugus,  and tomatoes. There are too many reasons to to hit the Farmers Market to list here so just do it! 

4- Go lite with Alcohol. Summer's a great time to skip drinks with hard alcohol and choose a light, chilled alcoholic beverage (unless you are pregnant or should not drink for health or other reasons).
A sangria (table wine diluted with juice), a cold beer, or a wine spritzer are all refreshing but light.  There are lots of great summer craft beers to try, in moderation , of course, defined as one to two drinks daily -- alcohol can protect against heart disease.

5-Take a Vacation! Improve your heart health: take advantage of  the great summer weather to take a vacation!  Vacations have multiple benefits: They can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones such as cortisol, which contributes to a widening waist and an increased risk of hear disease and heart disease. Even a couple days off at home without the phone or internet can be very refreshing!

6- Sleep Well. Resist the urge to stay up later during long summer days. Keep the same bedtime and wake-up schedule and don't drink alcohol within three hours of bedtime. I love a good nap on my day off but it is a  good idea to avoid naps during the day unless you take them every day at the same time, for the same amount of time. I guess this means I will need to nap at the office as well! 

Have a Happy and Safe Memorial Day and a Healthy Summer! 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Morning Inspriation

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

Mother TeresaCatholic Nun, Missionary
Nobel Peace Prize Recipient

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Let's Eat our Veggies!

Vegetarian Stir-Fry

I found this recipe on the Worlds Healthiest Foods website and thought I would give it a try.  I'm not very good about eating vegetables so I am trying to find ways to get more of them into my diet.  Luckily, my husband is not a picky eater and goes along with my experiments.  He was a little surprised by the tofu but he went back for seconds so it must have been ok.  I served it with Uncle Bens Brown Rice, it cooks in only 10 minutes.  Seaweed rice that they suggest seemed a bit extreme.  Total calories per serving of stir fry: 117!  I had 1 serving and Randy finished the rest . that's alot of food for not many calories BUT the rice adds 170 calories per 1/4 cup so I might skip that next time. 

Vegetarian Stir-Fry
Stir-fry is a wonderful way to enjoy a wide variety of health-promoting nutrients. It is also a great way to use whatever vegetables you have available in your refrigerator.
Prep and Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • 1 medium onion, cut in half and sliced thick
  • 1 TBS vegetable broth, you could use just water
  • 4 medium cloves garlic, pressed.  I use the jarred stuff, it's easier
  • 1 TBS minced fresh ginger (I didnt have any so I used Chinese 5 spice)
  • 1 red bell pepper, cut into slices.  The red adds color, you could use green if you want a less expensive pepper
  • 1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms.  I used button but you can use any type, remove stems
  • 2 cups sliced green cabbage
  • 5 oz extra firm tofu cut into 1/2-inch cubes
  • 2 TBS light soy sauce
  • 1 TBS sesame seeds
  • salt and white pepper to taste
  • any other veggies you have on hand such as carrots, celery, etc.

  1. Slice onions and press garlic and let sit for 5 minutes
  2. Prepare rest of vegetables.
  3. Heat 1 TBS broth in a stainless steel wok or 12 inch skillet. Stir fry onion for about 2 minutes in broth over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.
  4. Add red pepper, mushrooms, cabbage and any other  veggies. Continue to stir-fry for another 2 minutes. Add garlic, ginger and continue to cook stirring for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Add rest of ingredients and cook for another 2 minutes. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  6. Serves 4 (at our house it served 2)
Serving Suggestion: Serve with Seaweed Rice

From start to finish this took about 15 minutes, depending on how fussy you are with your chopping.  I started the rice, then stir-frying at the same time and they finished up in 10 minutes.  I have to say it was tasty and filling!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Healthy Food Friday!

I can't wait for the Michigan Blueberries to arrive at the Farmers Market but they probably won't be ready until early July.  Until then, I stock up when the produce department has them at a reasonable price.  They freeze well and are much better than the blueberries in the freezer section.
In case you didn't figure it out, the healthy food of the week is:

In the same category- blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and purple grapes

Why are blueberries good for you?  They may improve memory, intelligence, and coordination.  (really?? I better eat more!)
Blueberries contain the most antioxidants of all fresh fruits and vegetables. Blueberries are the least perishable of all the blueberries, they'll keep in the frig for about 2 weeks if kept dry.

How to  use them: The less you cook them ,the better. You can eat them raw, even in a blueberry pie-just fill a pie crust with fresh blueberries mixed with melted bluberry jam.  Pancakes, waffles, and muffins cook so quickly that the fruit is just briefly heated.  I throw a handful of blueberries on my Kashi Go  Lean Crunch or oatmeal every morning.

Here's a great recipe for breakfast or an afternoon snack:

Fresh Fruit Parfait

>Sugar free light vanilla yogurt.  Blue Bunny scores a 100 on the Nu Val Nutrition scale!
>Strawberries and/or raspberries
>Walnut pieces

Spoon some yogurt into a parfait  or wine glass.  Actually, any sort of container will work for this but it is impressive in glass!

Top with blueberries, then more yogurt, then raspberries, then yogurt, then blueberries.  A dollop of yogurt  on top and a sprinkle of walnuts make it look pretty! 

This is a low calorie, low fat, extremely nutritious treat- enjoy!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Warning- Pregnancy Story Ahead!

It is my oldest daughter's 27th birthday today (yes, I started young!) and I don't get to be with her so I am writing a birthday posting for her. 

My pregnancy story:
When I was first pregnant with her I had such horrible morning sickness that the doctor told me to eat double meals so I could at least keep some of it in.
When I was about 6 months pregnant, the doctor told Randy not to buy me candy for Valentine's Day because I was getting too fat.  Yes, I kept eating for 2 even after the morning sickness ended.  Randy bought me a cherry pie, he didn't think I was fat- or he know better than to say anything.

When I went into labor they put me on a SCALE!  Really?? The pain isn't bad enough, let's show you how much you weigh.  I was 195- a gain of about 75 pounds.

I leaned quickly that removing  a 7lb 7 oz baby will not remove 75 pounds from your body. I went back to work 6 weeks later wearing maternity clothes. I was lucky that at age 21, weight does come off without alot of work because in those days I did not exercise.  It took me about a year to lose it all. 

Fast forward to today- I currently have two pregnant women in my classes, they both cycle 2-3 times a week and strength train 1-2 times a week.  Both are due in about 2 months.  My niece had a baby by c-section in March and was out running as soon as her doctor cleared her. I sure wish I had known about working out back in the day! 

Anyway, I googled "healthy birthday" looking for a cake recipe but found this "gem" instead.

Healthy Birthstones: May: Emerald

The emerald is a symbol of rebirth and is thought to contain the goodness of life. Its magical properties include peace, harmony, love, fidelity, honesty, and good fortune. Placing a stone on the tongue or wearing it the left side of the body is said to bestow the ability to see the future. Emeralds are considered to have great healing power, especially for the heart, lungs, blood, pancreas, eyesight, and lymph nodes. Healers also use emeralds to improve the immune system, lift depression, and restore mental and emotional equilibrium.

Hmmm...not sure that I am into putting an emerald on my tongue, but to each his own.  If you would like to find out the health benefits of your birthstone click here.

Hey Daughter #1- have a Happy and HEALTHY Birthday!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can you hit your Target?

I'm talking about your target heart rate- do you know what it is and do you get there often enough?  First, a real life story.

The COO of our supermarket chain recently had a pacemaker installed and he shared his experience with us.  He just turned 60, non-smoker, healthy weight and exercises frequently.  Long story short, he fainted not once, but twice so he decided to get checked out.  Turns out his heart has an electrical problem so a pacemaker was needed to keep his heart in rhythm.  It was not a major surgery and he can go back to being as active as ever. 

 What do we learn from this?
-Listen to your body.  He had some flutterings before (which is fairly common) but as it got worse, he started to pay attention

-GO TO THE DOCTOR.  You dodn't have to wait until you pass out.  If things don't seem quite right, get checked.  Even if things seem OK, get a yearly physical. If your car was sputtering you wouldn't hesitate to see a mechanic!

-You need to exercise your heart. Your heart needs exercise to keep it strong and healthy.  We tend to baby our hearts and are afraid to let it beat hard.  This is where your target heart rate comes into play.

What is Target Heart Rate?
There is alot of medical terminology and smart sounding stuff to explain it but I'm not a doctor and I'm not that smart so I am dumbing it down.  There are more accurate methods of checking your heart rate and calculating your max rate, but this system gives you an accurate starting point.  PLEASE- check with your doctor if you have any questions. 

What does this mean?  
 Basically, you need to get your heart rate up to your max heart rate and keep it there for 30 minutes to get the most benefit.  However, if you are just starting to exercise, you need to pace yourself so aim at the lowest part of your target zone during the first few weeks. Gradually build up to the higher part of your target zone . After six months or more of regular exercise, you may be able to exercise comfortably slightly higher than the top of your range but don't go over the "do not exceed" number.  Again, there are variables to this such as medication or blood pressure problems so check with your doctor if you have questions.

How should you check? 
 I prefer to count my pulse for 10 seconds and use the chart below to see where I am.  Finding your pulse in your neck, just below your jawbone hinge, is the easiest but you can use your wrist as well.  Count the beats for 10 seconds and then check the numbers below:

Heart Rate while Exercising -count for 10 seconds.  Beginners stay to the low end. 
AgeLow endHigh endDon't exceed

If your heart rate is not in the zone for your age, you need to push yourself harder- if this is new to you it will feel odd and, yes, you will sweat!  If at any time you get dizzy, stop and make an appointment to see your doctor.  If you are just tired- KEEP PUSHING!! 

Youl also need to cool down and let your pulse go back to its normal rate (probably around 10 beats in 10 seconds as an average)before stopping activity.  Walk slowly, stretch and drink water- never stop completely when your heart is beating hard as you might get lightheaded or pass out.  Cooling down is as important as speeding up! 

At the risk of being repetitive, this is not the most accurate measurement but it is a general guideline.  See you doctor or trainer for more information. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Do you like the smell of Burning Money?

Why are we talking about money on a Healthy Living Blog?  Because financial health is just as necessary as physical health!  Budgeting your money and living within your means can remove alot of stress and will help you get a good nights sleep. Even if you area a good saver, here are a few ways that you might be throwing away your money.

There’s no need to spring for premium fuel if the manufacturer says regular is just fine. You should also check to make sure your tires are optimally inflated to get the best gas mileage. And are you still paying for an oil change every 3,000 miles?  Then stop it! Almost all of today's cars can last 5,000 to 7,000 miles between changes.  Check your manual and follow the recomendations.

Are you still indoor tanning?  There is now a 10% tax on indoor tanning services but the true cost of tanning, which the World Health Organization lists among the worst cancer causing practices, is higher than just the money- it could kill you.  It is healthier and less expensive to use a self tanning moisturizer. 

Brand name is not necessarily better than store brand. Having worked in a supermarket for so many years, I have learned that most fancy name brand and generic products come off the same production line, only the label has changed.  Marketers get paid alot to tell you their fancy packaging means there is a better product inside.  Nope, it usually isn't true.

Buying beverages one at a time.  This is another tip from working in a supermarket. If you buy bottled water, coffee-by-the-cup or vending-machine soda, you are wasting alot of money.
 Water- buy a  reusable container and fill with tap water, use a filter if you don't like the taste. 
  Coffee-Brew your own pot of coffee.  Coffee prices are expected to go throgh the roof so stock up! 
Soda- Buy your soda in 12 or 24 packs and bring it to work rather than hitting the vending machine.  OR- better yet- drop the soda habit and drink water for free! 

Paying for things your rarely or never use. Do you watch all those cable channels? Do you need those extra features on your phone? Are you getting your money’s worth out of your gym membership? Are you taking full advantage of your Netflix, and magazine subscriptions? Take a look at what your family actually uses, then trim accordingly.

Eating out frequently. Spending $10, $20, $30 per person for dinner can be a huge drain on your wallet. Throw in a $6 sandwich for lunch every day and you are spending far too much on food. Learning to cook and bringing your lunch from home can save a couple hundred bucks each month. I used to spend $5-$6 dollars a day in the deli for my lunch, not only was it expensive, it was unhealthy.  When you do go out, don't order appetizers or dessert and watch the alcohol- all these things not only add unnecessary calories, but dollars as well.

That is just a few tips to get you started.  Take a serious look at your spending habits and decide where you can make some changes.  Change your choices-change your life!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Get Up! Stand Up! Save your Life!

Twenty years ago chiropractors worked on people who moved too much, today the work on people who move to little.

Your body needs to be in motion to be healthy, without movement, your muscles and ligaments don't get a good blood supply. This applies to those who sit at a desk, or plop on the couch to watch TV or surf the web all night. (some of us do both)

Here are some ways sitting at a desk for long hours negatively affects your health:
  • Spine damage. Sitting all day can result in a pinched nerve or a herniated disc.
  • Computer eye strain. Almost 90 percent of people who use a computer for three or more hours a day have symptoms of computer eye strain. These symptoms include blurred vision, headaches, and neck aches.Wow- no wonder I am going blind, I stare at a computer at least 8 hours a day. I think vision health will be a topic this week.
  • Heart health. A desk job that keeps you sitting all day can lead to being overweight and under active. That is bad for your heart and it can decrease longevity. When you are sitting, you are not burning calories and you are not getting the aerobic exercise your heart needs.
So- what can you do to keep your body healthy even though you have a desk job? 

Practice good ergonomics. Keep your computer directly in front of you, slightly below eye level. Have your hands reach the keyboard without having to bend your wrists; have good back support; and have your weight evenly distributed. 

Maintain good posture. From behind, your back should be straight. From the side, your lower back and neck should maintain their normal curves. Twisting, slouching, or stretching and extending your back or neck can cause pain and damage.

Follow the 30/5 or 50/10 Rule.  I have an alarm on my desk that reminds me to get up every 30 minutes.  I walk around the store or the house, stretch, look out the window, anything other than sitting and staring at them computer.  I do this for 5 minutes.  If you sit for 50  minutes, move around for 10.  This doesn't mean you are taking work breaks, I  sometimes make phone calls during my up time. 

Stretch Your Back.  Stand up, bend forward and touch your toes. If you can't make it down to your toes, just touch your knees. Keep your knees just slightly bent.  Do a BIG inhale through your nose, feeling your ribs expand, then a big exhale out slowly through your mouth.  Do this three times.  With each exhale you can stretch a bit deeper. 

Then stand up, put your hands on the small of your back and lean back, looking toward the ceiling.  Do these stretches several times a day.

Stretch Your Neck.  Don't roll your head around in circles.  Gently tilt to the right, inhaling and exhaling.  Then do the same for the left and middle putting your chin toward your chest, then to the back.  Continue with nice big breaths and relax. 

Loosen Your  Upper Back.  I feel a lot of tension in my upper back so I do these stretches several times a day.  Arms go straight out to the sides, thumbs up.  Inhale deeply, the exhale pressing back, pulling your shoulder blades together.  Rotate your wrists and stretch your fingers while in this position.  Bring your hands behind your back, linking  just your thumbs.  Pull down, then back giving you a BIG stretch through your chest. pulling your shoulder back.
Sit down, and lean forward, letting your chest rest on your thighs and your fingers go to the floor. Allow your shoulders to relax.  A few more breaths and you are ready to go.  Sit up, roll your shoulders forward and back. (please, leave your shirt on if at work!)

 Ahhhh...you are refreshed and ready to go. 

Just because your are stuck at a desk it doesn't mean you are stuck sitting.  Get Up and save your life! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Morning Inspiration

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive the week.

If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75 percent of the world.

If you have money in the bank or in your wallet, you are among the top 80 percent of the worlds wealthy.

If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

Author Unknown

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Some Saturday Fun Facts!

Ten Facts that you probably didn't need to know, but will make you sound smart at parties

1-Women have a better sense of smell than men

2-When you take a step, you are using up to 200 muscles

3-Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren't

4-The skin on your lips is 200 times more sensitive than your fingertips

5-Our right lung takes more air than our left lung

6-After age 30, the brain begins to lose about 50,000 neurons per day - shrinking the brain .25% each year

7-Dieters who sleep more than 7 hours a night take off more fat than those who sleep less than 7

8-If your liver stopped working, you'd die within 24 hours

9-Wearing headphones for an hour increases the bacteria in your ear 700 times->that one is for my husband!

10- According to one report, it would take 800 marijuana joints to kill a person - but the cause of death would be carbon monoxide poisoning

Remember me when you win big on Jeopardy with this newfound knowledge!

Also- you can have the daily tip automatically sent to your e-mail, look on the right side of your screen to sign up! 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Healthy Food Friday!

Every Friday I'll highlight a healthy food and give some ideas on how to incorporate this food into your daily life.  The first one is one of may favorites:

Black Beans
In the same category: kidney, pinto, great Northern, navy beans, chickpeas, and lentils

Why black beans?  They are an almost perfect food.  Low fat, low sodium, high fiber.  Black beans are also high in folate, which is essential for preventing birth defects so women who are pregnant or hoping to become pregnant should eat plenty of black beans.  If you are beyond the pregnancy years (yay!), folate has also been proven to cut the risk of heart disease.  These beans, along with kidney bean are tops for antioxidants.  Eating black beans helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, moderate insulin levels, and reduce cancer risk.  They are also easier to digest than many other beans (less farting!) 
WOW- see what I mean about black beans a perfect food? Let's find out how to prepare them.

Black beans can do almost anything, they are a staple in Mexican, Caribbean, Asian, and Mediterranean cooking.  Use them in salads, soups, stew, chili, salsa, and burritos.  I use them to make refried beans and hummus.  Dried beans are preferred, but in the interest of time,  I typically use canned, buying low sodium or organic if available.  Drain but don't rinse to save the most flavor.

Hummus is typically made with chickpeas, but black beans make this dip even more nutritious. This recipe takes less than 10 minutes to make!

Black Bean Hummus
1 15 oz can black beans, drained
1 clove garlic, minced. I use the minced stuff in the jar as a shortcut
1/4 cup soft silken tofu.  -or- use fat-free cream cheese.  (not as healthy, but it will give the correct texture)
2 tbs. tahini (this is sesame butter- you'll find it by the peanut butter or in the Asian section at the store)
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tbl. extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 tsp lime juice, fresh squeezed or form the plastic lime
salt and pepper to taste, taking it easy on the salt

Place everything in a blender or food processor and mix until smooth.  Or- for a little extra exercise, blend by hand with a potato masher!

Serve with pita chips (I like Amy's), baked corn chips, or raw veggies.  This will keep for 4-5 days in the refrigerator.
Each 1 tbl. serving has 32 calories, 1 g protein, 3 g carbs, 1.5 g fat, 1 g fiber if you make it with tofu.  Fat free cream cheese will give more calories and slightly more protein.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rise and Shine!

Lots of people want to get up early and work out but they just roll over when the alarm goes off, here are some tips to get going:

  • Get organized. Lay out shoes, socks, and workout clothes the night before to make the morning as easy as possible. Have your car keys, water bottle, etc. ready to go.   You might even want to try sleeping in your workout clothes. 
  • Make a playlist. Don't forget an iPod, and make sure it has a variety of songs to prevent boredom.
  • Rise and shine. Plug in your alarm clock across the room so that it can't be turned off without getting out of bed. Do not allow your brain to let you stay in bed.  If you exercise outside, don't let the weather stop you.  Rain, snow, wind will all add to the excitement of your workout!
  • Exercise with a friend. It's tempting to skip a workout when it's just you, but if someone is waiting  you tend to feel guiltier about letting them down.
  • Sign up for an early AM class.  My 5:15am cycle and strength classes are full.  LOTS of people work out early and a class is a good motivator to get up. We all have bed head and no makeup an no one cares!
  • Have fun. Make your workout enjoyable so you don't dread it. Do something you like.  Once you make it a habit, you will find that you can't wait to go to bed so you can get up and exercise!  (I know, a few years ago I would have thought that was nuts, too)
  • Adapt when necessary.  Morning workouts may be great for jump-starting the day, but if a conflict arises, try working out at night instead or adding time to the routine the next session.  

Remember: Exercise at any time of the day is better than no exercise at all, but the benefits of a morning fitness routine are plenty.
Morning exercise revs the metabolism and jump-starts energy levels, actually accelerating your ability to burn calories, it gets the endorphins flowing so that when you're finished you have greater acuity, less anxiety, improved mood, and increased ability to concentrate, all of which contribute to a better day!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

But...Can you Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time?

New research is indicating that chewing gum offers the surprising health benefits!

Chewing gum improves memory

Psychologists say that chewing gum can help in improve memory and enhance cognitive powers. They found that people who chewed throughout tests produced significantly better scores than people who did not. Why? The activity in the area of our brain that is important for memory increases while people chew.

Chewing gum reduces symptoms of stress

Some teachers encourage students to chew gum during tests to help increase alertness and concentration.  (really?  This has changed sinc I was in scholl and gum was forbidden!) Psychiatrists and psychologists believe that chewing gum reduce tension and help to release nervous energy. Chewing gum may provide an outlet for frustration and irritation.
Recent research has shown that the rhythmic motion of chewing gum has a stress-reducing effect because relaxed and satisfied feelings.

Chewing gum helping to manage weight

Because there are only 5-10 calories per stick, gum can be considered a low- cal snack.  According to some studies the adults who chewed the gum ate 36 calories less at snacktime than adults who did not chew gum. Both regular and sugar free chewing gum helped the adults to eat less.
The physical act of gum chewing may help to reduce your cravings for high calorie snacks.  I always have a piece of gum after a meal and keep a stick handy for those late afternoon cravings. 

Chewing gum improves digestion

Chewing gum helps to improve intestinal mobility and also helps to increase saliva flow which promotes more frequent swallowing. This helps to prevent reflux of acid from the stomach back into the throat.

Chewing gum improves oral health

Studies show that chewing gum is good for oral health and teeth specifically. Chewing gum increases saliva, which is the most important component of oral health and powerful protector of the oral cavity.

Sugar free chewing gum has a number of dental benefits. Sugar free chewing gum doesn't cause tooth decay. It demineralises tooth enamel and has an antimicrobial effect. Those who chewed sugar free gum after eating had fewer cavities than those who did not.
Chewing gum freshens breath, whitens teeth by reducing stains and preventing stains from accumulating and reduces plaque.

Others benefits of chewing gum

Some people become more attentive and feel more alert when they chew gum. Chewing can take away sleepiness. Chewing gum that is sweetened with xylito doesn’t raise blood sugar. Also chewing gum has good taste.
As remind there is no standard effect on everyone. Therefore it is difficult to make a general rule that applies to everybody.

What if I swallow my gum?

Gum passes in its undigested form safely through the digestive tract into the colon where it can be excreted into the stool.  (In other words, you poop it out)  This process doesn’t take seven years, it usually exits a day or two after we eat it.

Please!  Dispose of your gum properly!! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Local Man Eats 25,000th Big Mac

  Don Gorske of Fond du Lac has been in the news lately because he will soon be eating his 25,000th  Big Mac.  I work with Don's brother so I have a bit more insight into him than you hear on the news but the basic fact remains: he lives on Big Macs.  He eats 2 Big Macs with a large Coke every day, and that's about it.  Calorie wise, it is low at 1,490, most men should eat at least 2,000 calories a day.  However, he is also taking in huge amounts of saturated fat, sodium and sugar and very little fiber or essential nutrients.  This is not a recommended diet for a normal person and Don is certainly not normal in many ways! 

Speaking of Big Mac's- May is National Burger Month!  I love burgers but after watching the movie "Food, Inc.," I'm a little skeptical of what passes for hamburger these days.  You might want to consider spending a bit more for grass fed beef or buffalo.  Both have more protein and less fat than regular ground beef.

As far as preparation methods- a new study shows that the George Foreman grill really does work to eliminate fat.  In fact, in an 80/20 burger it can reduce up to 42% of fat, about 89 calories each. To have an even leaner burger, use 90/10/  (90% meat to 10% fat), though this can get dry. 

There are lots of option for low-cal, healthy toppings:
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Lettuce or dark leafy greens
  • Mushrooms
  • Salsas ( a great alternative to ketchup)
  • Fruit or vegetable relishes
  • Barbeque or steak sauce (can be high in sugar/calories so use sparingly)
  • Pickles
  • Fruit (I love pineapple on a burger)
  • Guacamole or avacado slices
Notice- there is no cheese on the list- if you must have cheese, go for a fat free or low fat variety.  I prefer Swiss as it is lower in both fat and sodium. 

The bun adds a huge number of calories to your burger but you have a few options:
 >go without the bun.  A no-bread friend of mine uses big romaine lettuce leaves in place of bread for everything. I happen to like the bun so let's move to some other options:
>Look for a whole grain light bun.  Village Hearth and Healthy Life brands are both good choices
> Sandwich thins are only 100 calories and will work if you don't pile many toppings on your burger
>Make it an open-faced burger and use only the bottom bun

Even if you make a "healthy" burger, the sides can kill you!  Stay away from fries, onion rings, chips, etc.  Opt for corn on the cob, fruit salad, roasted sweet potatoes, grilled vegetables, or baked beans (watch the sugar content) instead. 

Mmmm..all this talk of burgers is making me hungy.  Maybe I'll find Don and see if he will share a Big Mac with me!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sorry, I prefer to run inside...

I just spent the weekend working the food tent at the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon.  Every year  I see people who run this thing that make me think "If they can do it, I can do it" but then I go outside, run a block and decide "no, I really don't like doing this," and I forget about running for another year.  My preferred form of cardio is cycling,  either inside or out but I do try to get on the treadmill once in awhile for some cross training.  So...can you get a decent workout inside vs outside?  Luckily, the answer is yes!

Some tips:
  1. Use your treadmill at 1 percent incline to get the same workout as running or walking outside on a flat surface.
  2. Ignore all the "fat burning" and "cardio training" charts on the treadmill equipment. The key to burning calories is distance, not intensity. The longer or farther you go during your treadmill workout, the more calories you burn.
  3. Adding time and intensity at the same time can increase your risk for injury. When you are starting your treadmill program, gradually add time to your workout first. You can increase intensity later by adding speed or increasing the incline of your treadmill.
  4. Maintain good posture  Head up, shoulders back swinging your arms up to chest level with your hands in a loose fist. 
  5. Watch where you are on the treadmill, don't drift some side to side and don't fall off the back!

My favorite treadmill workout is 30 minutes.  Start at 0 incline and increase it 1% every minute up to 15 minutes and then down 1% for 15 minutes.  WHEW!  You will be working hard and burning some calories.
I usually start with a faster walking speed (4.5-4.8) and then slow to 4.0 after the 6 minute mark, then I speed up again when I get back down to 6 on the second half.  This is not a beginner workout so ease into it.

The great news? A treadmill can help you lose weight, make your bones and muscles stronger, relieve depression and stress and lower your risk for diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and colon cancer.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Something to Ponder on a Sunday Morning

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway. 

Dr. Kent M. Keith
Author and Motivational Speaker

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Get Some Guns!

Lots of questions came in after my comment that you will not get bulky from lifting weights.  Let me clarify, women will NOT get bulky strictly from lifting heavy weights unless you want to.  The hormone balance between men and women is different which  means female bodybuilders need to train like crazy and take hormone supplements or steroids in order to bulk up.  I lift medium to heavy weights or use body weight 3 times per week, and while I weigh more than you would think,  I am not “bulky.”  Weight training for women is essential to fend off osteoporosis and you will find that your clothes fit better and you have an overall better feeling about yourself.  While muscle weighs more than fat, it takes up less space so even though the number on the scale doesn’t change,  you will probably need smaller clothes!  You don’t need to go to a gym, just a few dumbbells and using your own body weight can efficiently tone and strengthen.  There are several excellent workouts on Exercise on Demand, my favorite is Cindy Whitmarsh.  Otherwise, join a class or ask a trainer at your club for help getting started.  I also have a basic body weight routine that I would be happy to send to you, just e-mail me! 

I am a big believer in strength training for women,  take care of your body and it will take care of you.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Let's Do Some Busting!

Some fitness myths...BUSTED!

Fitness Myths:

Myth 1- Stretch before you work out: Never stretch cold muscles, it is more effective to stretch after your muscles are warm.

Myth 2- No Pain, No Gain: Never exercise through pain unless you have a known injury and are following a rehab plan.  Muscle soreness is ok- pain is not

Myth 3- Doing crunches will get you 6 pack abs: No matter how many crunches you do, 6 pack abs are greatly controlled by your diet and genetics.  You need to lose fat to see those muscles so weight loss is the key. 

Myth 4- Lifting Weights will make you bulky: Ladies- don’t be afraid of weights!  Unless you are taking testosterone or other muscle enhancers, weight lifting will give you toned and strong muscles but you won’t look like a body builder.

Myth 5: If you  aren’t sweating, you aren’t working: How much you sweat is affected by genetics, metabolism, weight, and environment. You can get plenty of exercise benefits, including weight loss, without sweating heavily, although sweat does help to cool the body. If you sweat a lot, be sure to stay hydrated and keep an eye on your blood pressure.

Myth 6: At some point you are just too old to work out: You are never too old to get some benefit from regular exercise and it is never too late to start. Older people can reduce their risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and mental decline with a prescribed exercise routine. Balance, cardio, strength training and flexibility should all be included but high intensity workouts are not recommended.  

There are lots more fitness myths and excuses, let me know if you want any of them proven or busted!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Raise your hand if you want to lose weight!

There is an ad running on the radio for a weight loss product that has a fast talking announcer giving this disclaimer" if you lose more than 10 pounds in one week, please adjust your dosage."

With this disclaimer, what they are implying is you can lose 10 pounds a week with this magic pill.  I say Bullcrap to that!  There is no magic pill and it is certainly not safe to lose 10 pounds in a week.  You should never eat fewer than 1,200 calories a day or your body will go in to starvation mode which slows your metabolism.  Starving or fasting will actually cause you to gain weight in the long run. In order to lose 1 pound a week, you need to eliminate 500 calories a day.  I suggest cutting 250 calories from food and drinks and burning 250 calories through exercise. 

Here are my basic strategies to lose weight:

1- You absolutely MUST quit drinking sweetened beverages.  This includes soda, sweet tea, coffee with flavorings or sugar, sweetened or flavored milk, and any water that has calories.  I have a co-worker who lost 25 pounds and the only change he made was to quit drinking soda.  I won't get into alcohol here, but if you are really serious, quit drinking it- you will most definitely lose weight.  What can you drink?  Water is your best option, if that gets boring, add a squirt of real lemon juice.  Black coffee, tea, skim milk or sugar free drinks will hydrate without adding calories. 

2-Physical Activity is another must-do!  A brisk 30 minute walk each day will burn calories and rev up your metabolism.  Find an activity you like such as biking, running, jump roping, dancing, etc. Anything that gets your heart rate up that you enjoy doing will help you lose weight if you stick to it.

3- Eat fewer calories than you burn.  Ths seems obvious, but there are hundreds of diets out there: low carb, low fat, blood type, sugar free, high protein, blah, blah,blah.  The basic truth is everything in moderation.  You don't have to deprive yourself or get rid of a food group, just eat fewer calories and move more.  You can also eat huge amounts of the right types of food.  How's this for a big breakfast? Scramble 6 eggs whites (about 16 calories each). Mix in some veggies and add a 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese and you have a fantastic (and BIG) breakfast for about 225 calories. Add a piece of fruit to round it out with carbs if you wish (adds about 100-150 calories depending on fruit). If you like, use 2 whole eggs instead of 6 egg whites.  Healthy, low calorie and filling!

4-You don't have to count calories forever, but it is a great way to kick start your weight loss plan and make you aware of how quickly calories can add up. When I first started,   I was shocked to find that most days I had used up my calories for the day at lunchtime!  I use www.livestrong.com/ thedailyplate to track calories and activity.  I know others who are very pleased with www.sparkpeople.com.  You have to be honest and count everything- journaling your calories is an excellent tool to keep you on track and to help you meet your goals.

NO excuses- get started today!  Taking weight off slowly will help keep it off permanently.  You won't only look great, you'll feel great, too.

Here's the Tooth, the whole tooth, and some missing tooth!

This look might be cute on a kid, but not so much on an adult. It amazes me that some people do not find teeth a priority.  There are customers who come through my checkout lane with booze, cigarettes, and lottery tickets but not a tooth in their head, or the teeth they have appear to be moldy.  ugh.  Maybe I'm weird, but I think having  teeth is a good thing. 

Not taking care of your teeth and gums can cause a myriad of other problems from stroke and heart attack to osteoporosis and problem pregnancies.  Bacteria and disease in your mouth is often the beginning of all sorts of nastiness in your body so let's start at the top!

Brush your teeth at least twice but no more than three times per day.  Morning and evening are best but if you only brush once, it is actually more important to brush before going to bed. Your mouth is dry when you are sleeping which allows bacteria to do all sorts of nasty things to your tissues.  If you can't brush after lunch, rinse your mouth with water and chew some sugarless gum.

Speaking of brushing, how often do you replace your toothbrush?  I only did twice a year when I got the free one from the dentist but it is recommended that you get a new brush every 3 months.  Soft bristles are eaisest on your gums and there is no real difference between manual and electric- just your personal preference. 

And what about toothpaste?  There must be 100 different kinds to choose from!  Most dentists agree (well, at least 4 out of 5) that toothpaste is pretty much all the same so choose one that is ADA recommended in a flavor you like.  Pricier toothpastes do not work better than the cheap ones and most of the claims (plaque remover, whitening, etc) are just for marketing.  However, if you have sensitive teeth, it might be worth it to pay a bit more for a specialty paste.

I always though it was normal to have bleeding or sensitive gums the month or so before my dentist appointment.  But that was before I had a cap put in that required daily flossing.  Voila!  Flossing everyday prevents sore and bleeding gums!!  Who knew?   Yes- floss at least once a day, twice is even better to get rid of all the gunk that hides in the crevices.  Bacteria thrives on that gunk and it will cause some major plaque problems. 

Also- take it easy on the sugary, sticky food and sweet drinks such as soda and juice.  Starchy stuff like potato chips also cling to your teeth so brush or rinse with water after having a snack.  Even better, opt for yogurt or low fat cheese for a snack, it's good for your waistline AND your teeth! 

I'm not a germaphobe and never really thought much about bacteria and such, but now that I know that just a few simple steps can save a lot ot pain and money later, I am going to add a few extra minutes everyday to take care of my choppers!

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